About the Writers

After each day of the week, you can see the author(s) who will regularly write a post on that day of the week.
Recently, a large portion of our writers quit the blog but we're working on filling the spots.


We currently do not have anyone posting this day.


Hiya! I'm Tyler, commonly known as Sage. I'm your average thirteen-year-old girl who loves cats, books, and guitar. I have three cats, Kiki, Trampy, and the kitten Chipmunk; I have countless books - I'm both a reader and a writer - and three acoustic guitars as well. Writing and guitaring make up my life. They help especially with PMS - good ways to let out your feelings. I'm an aspiring coder, as in Javascript, HTML, that sort of thing, and I've recently gotten into Zentangling. (I say gotten into because nobody should've let me near such a thing. It's too dang cool.)


We currently do not have anyone posting this day.


We currently do not have anyone posting this day.


Winter is a alien from a parallel universe, she looks like a frosty blue puff ball which is slightly transparent, she has two little inteni and for eyes, she also glows at night, or in dark places. She has had her period for about five months now. She loves writing, reading, and all things awesome. She is a vegetarian, and loves dark chocolate.


Naomi is a teenage girl with a hatred for periods, due to the fact that she has absolutely no interest in reproducing. However, she's stuck with her period, so she's decided to be an author on this blog and help other people cope with the horrors of having a menstrual cycle.


Hey there! I'm Julia, and I'm 13. I'm a giant homeschooled nerd and proud of it. My hobbies include reading, writing, fangirling, sprinting, doing math (yes, I actually do that for fun) and getting into debates about everything. I'm the oldest of six girls, so I figured I might as well help people learn about their periods, since I get enough awkward questions at home. 


Former Writers

Paige is quite the strange person, riddled with oddities, such as her obsession with Steampunk, her love of writing and her odd art style. She enjoys art, crafting, music, acting, singing Disney songs in foreign languages, avoiding math, and fangirling over practically ridiculous things. She is a complete geek and Fangirl, and has had her fair share of moving.
She holds the reigning title as Queen of the Procrasti Nation, which means she probably should've written this weeks ago.

Hey, I’m Anna (or MouseInTheHouse on Nanowrimo), fifteen-year-old period experiencer. I run cross-country on my high school’s team and am prone to getting into long and involved conversations about running if provoked. (And how periods relate to sports in general, if you want). I would also really love to be an author someday for young adult realistic fiction novels because I feel like I can help people by writing about everyday experiences we all go through at one time or another. Lastly, I play viola in my school orchestra, and yes, they are better than violins.

Hey, Tess here, but most people call me Gwen (for various reasons). I am a 12 year old girl who likes reading, writing, playing the keyboard, bacon, and chocolate. Definitely chocolate. Mostly I read and write in my free time, and also participate in Nanowrimo YWP during November. (Most of the authors do, if you're wondering why everyone here likes to write.) I also draw and like to do art, especially pottery.

Corina is a queer mango-filled bunny slash humanoid girl thing. She is currently twelve years of age and residing in the city of New York. She enjoys writing, reading and drawing, along with not dying and many other pleasurable activities such as fangirling and researching. She started getting her period when she was eleven and three quarters and immediately wished she hadn't. But alas, the charms of being female come with a price.


  1. Thanks to all of you, I am now able to know a bit more before my period comes for the first time.

  2. Hi guys! Thanks for making this. I was wondering, what is the first post? Where is it? What order do I read them in. Thanks again!


    1. I believe the first post is called something like "Welcome to the Blog," but the posts aren't meant to be read in order - just as you need them. I don't believe we have an archive that lets you view all of our posts, though, which is quite a problem! I'll add one in a minute.

  3. I've added an archive. Seems we had one before but I never saw it work. You should be able to start at the oldest date and work your way through the posts now, though it might be a bit glitchy, so let me know if it works, 'kay?

  4. Thank you, Sage/Tyler! It's not glitching for me. Thanks for making this blog!
    -Anonymouse (And yes, the "mouse", is on purpose ^.^)

  5. Yay I can't wait for my Bio to be up there! -Winter


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