Tuesday, March 10, 2015

A Quick Update

Hey guys! As you may have noticed, we haven't posted much of anything in a while. We're really sorry about that. I think we may have mentioned this somewhere; all of us writers are Nanowrimo participants, so we took a break for that and never really got ourselves back together. Again, we apologize for that. The good news is, we're going to start back up again! We hope to get the blog up and running again as soon as possible, but before we do that, we'd like to hear from you guys, our readers. What did you like or dislike about the way the blog was going before? Do you have any suggestions or topics that you'd like us to post about? Any regular features we ought to have? If you've got any feedback, please leave us a comment. Don't be afraid to be honest if there's something you dislike; we want your opinion. I promise we won't bite :). And with any luck, we'll be able get the blog running again in a few weeks.



  1. How do I get into the bathroom with a pad without anyone noticing? Thanks, I've missed this blog!

  2. Thanks for commenting! We'll try and make a post on that.

  3. I really like this blog! I hope you can keep it going!


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