Thursday, October 23, 2014

Skirts and Dresses On Your Flow

By Paige

Wearing skirts when Aunt Flo comes around is sometimes challenging. No worries, as long as you follow a few guidelines, you can avoid awkward situations such as bleeding through.
First off, when on your flow, I advise you not to wear tight or short skirts. This runs the risk that you'll bleed through and it'll be noticeable. Avoid light colors. Looser skirts (or clothes in general) make cramps feel better for me. This might not work for all people.
Second, if you can wear pantyhose or shorts (preferably not jean, thick or long shorts) under the skirt without it being recognizable, it will also reduce the chances of bleeding through the pad, the shorts AND the skirt.
Third, if you're going to be active, for obvious reasons, don't wear a skirt, even if it's more comfortable.
Finally, skirts allow better movement, and will be more comfortable to most, so I advise it completely.
Good luck in your skirt/dress-wearing endeavors.

1 comment:

  1. I personally find wearing skirts is a lot easier than pants during a period, even short ones. :3


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