Hey, I'm Corina and I’m here to help you with perhaps the
most unpleasant aspect of periods- the cramps. Now, some of you lucky people
don’t experience these cramps. But trust me they hurt. For those of you who are unlucky enough to be crippled from pain once a month, below are some tips for reducing the cramping.
Pay attention to what you eat while on
your period.
Yes, it might be extremely tempting to whatever the heck you want and stuff yourself with comfort foods in order to get over this horrible time, but in the long run it’s important to watch what you’re putting into your body. Try to consciously choose fruits and vegetables over salty or fatty foods. For many people, cutting dairy intake can help reduce your pain as well. Drink lots of water.
Eat chocolate.
Yes, chocolate can help with cramping. While most chocolate does contain sugar, which is something you should stay way from whilst on your period, it also contains magnesium. Magnesium is a nutrient that gets greatly depleted during this time of the month and thus it's important you replenish your supply. So go ahead, eat some chocolate. Just be careful with how much sugar you're taking in and also the amount of dairy contained in the kind of chocolate you're having. Try to stick to dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate.
Utilize pain killers.
If you are lucky enough to have access to pain killers, use them! When you feel the discomfort coming on, take a pill. However, pay attention to the serving amounts on the package and also the way your body reacts tot the medicine. If you don't have access to pain killers (like me), well then I sympathize with you.
Sleeping will not only take your mind off the cramps, it will relax your body so they go away. Sometimes drifting off to sleep while pain pulses in your stomach is hard, but most of the time you'll wake up feeling much better.
Yeah, dragging yourself off your bed and going for a jog around your neighborhood is the last thing you feel like doing when you feel your thighs start aching with pain. But walking or doing yoga can greatly reduce your cramps and make you feel a lot better. Getting exercise will also help you to drift off to sleep while you have cramps because you'll be more tired.
Use heating pads.
As was said in an earlier post, heating pads are a great resource. If you don't have a heating pad, trying using a hot water bottle instead. Even pressing a warm cup of tea against the area can help. I usually curl up around my mom if she's sitting on her bed reading and use her as a heating pad. Hey, it works. I also sometimes use a laptop as a heating pad. If you have nothing else, dipping a wash cloth in hot water and laying on your bare stomach can help.
Take a hot bath or shower.
Taking a hot bath or shower can relax and calm your body and thus reduce cramping. When you take a bath, tampons can be a good idea as you don't want to be sitting in a pool of your own blood. Try filling up a bath tub until your abdominal area is just submerged and then laying a towel on top of it. This can traps the heat and feels nice and soothing.
Wear loose clothing.
Wearing clothing that doesn't put pressure on your abdominal area can help. Don't wear something with a tight waist band or belt. Dresses can help in this aspect.
Utilize your pet if you possess one.
Cats or other small animals can help reduce cramping. Having them sit across the area where you have cramps, making sure their calm. A cat's purr will relax your muscles and the heat from their body will help rid of the cramps.
Drink tea.
Hot tea is a great way to rid yourself of cramps. Raspberry leaf tea is a period experiencing human's best friend and I mean it. That stuff is amazing. Brew yourself a cup and sip it slowly.
Most important, relax.
Just relax. Put on a pair of earphones and get lost in the music. Pick up a favorite book and revisit the story. Lay down and try to sleep. Don't stress over things and try to simplify even your most ordinary activities. Try to stick to doing what you enjoy and pampering your body for this week.
I hope this helps you with surviving that time of the month. Always remember: This too shall pass.
Yes, it might be extremely tempting to whatever the heck you want and stuff yourself with comfort foods in order to get over this horrible time, but in the long run it’s important to watch what you’re putting into your body. Try to consciously choose fruits and vegetables over salty or fatty foods. For many people, cutting dairy intake can help reduce your pain as well. Drink lots of water.
Eat chocolate.
Yes, chocolate can help with cramping. While most chocolate does contain sugar, which is something you should stay way from whilst on your period, it also contains magnesium. Magnesium is a nutrient that gets greatly depleted during this time of the month and thus it's important you replenish your supply. So go ahead, eat some chocolate. Just be careful with how much sugar you're taking in and also the amount of dairy contained in the kind of chocolate you're having. Try to stick to dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate.
Utilize pain killers.
If you are lucky enough to have access to pain killers, use them! When you feel the discomfort coming on, take a pill. However, pay attention to the serving amounts on the package and also the way your body reacts tot the medicine. If you don't have access to pain killers (like me), well then I sympathize with you.
Sleeping will not only take your mind off the cramps, it will relax your body so they go away. Sometimes drifting off to sleep while pain pulses in your stomach is hard, but most of the time you'll wake up feeling much better.
Yeah, dragging yourself off your bed and going for a jog around your neighborhood is the last thing you feel like doing when you feel your thighs start aching with pain. But walking or doing yoga can greatly reduce your cramps and make you feel a lot better. Getting exercise will also help you to drift off to sleep while you have cramps because you'll be more tired.
Use heating pads.
As was said in an earlier post, heating pads are a great resource. If you don't have a heating pad, trying using a hot water bottle instead. Even pressing a warm cup of tea against the area can help. I usually curl up around my mom if she's sitting on her bed reading and use her as a heating pad. Hey, it works. I also sometimes use a laptop as a heating pad. If you have nothing else, dipping a wash cloth in hot water and laying on your bare stomach can help.
Take a hot bath or shower.
Taking a hot bath or shower can relax and calm your body and thus reduce cramping. When you take a bath, tampons can be a good idea as you don't want to be sitting in a pool of your own blood. Try filling up a bath tub until your abdominal area is just submerged and then laying a towel on top of it. This can traps the heat and feels nice and soothing.
Wear loose clothing.
Wearing clothing that doesn't put pressure on your abdominal area can help. Don't wear something with a tight waist band or belt. Dresses can help in this aspect.
Utilize your pet if you possess one.
Cats or other small animals can help reduce cramping. Having them sit across the area where you have cramps, making sure their calm. A cat's purr will relax your muscles and the heat from their body will help rid of the cramps.
Drink tea.
Hot tea is a great way to rid yourself of cramps. Raspberry leaf tea is a period experiencing human's best friend and I mean it. That stuff is amazing. Brew yourself a cup and sip it slowly.
Most important, relax.
Just relax. Put on a pair of earphones and get lost in the music. Pick up a favorite book and revisit the story. Lay down and try to sleep. Don't stress over things and try to simplify even your most ordinary activities. Try to stick to doing what you enjoy and pampering your body for this week.
I hope this helps you with surviving that time of the month. Always remember: This too shall pass.
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