Friday, November 14, 2014

Periods and Sickness

First of all, I'd like to say for the record how fitting this post is.  When I was actually supposed to write this, I had the flu, and once I got better, I got crushed under homework mountain.  I wasn't on my period, but I just wanted to point out the irony.
Being sick and on your period is miserable.  Along with the normal crummy period symptoms, you also have to deal with whatever super-fun symptoms that come with whatever sickness you've managed to contract.  But there's ways to make it slightly better.
1. Pain relievers.  I know I mention these a lot and I'm not saying they're always the best or the only way to go, but in addition to relieving cramps and aches they also often bring down fevers, which can make you feel semi-normal.
2. Use being sick to your advantage.  What better excuse to not get out of bed?  As awful as it feels, there's some advantage to being sick while on your period in that no one actually expects you to do anything, unlike when you have your period while you're well.  So rest!  Stay in bed and refuse to come out, if you want.
3. Drink a lot of water.  This is a good idea anyway, but water can ease cramps, and it helps you from being dehydrated while sick, especially if you have a fever.


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